Epic Meal Time

Race:  Halfling
Coach:  Justin M
Count of blood babe making a difference
Game 2 = 1
Game 3 = 1+ #9 candypizza got a kill from foul but was apoed
GAME 6 = 2
Game 8 = 1
Game 9 /10 = idk
Game 11 = 1
Game 13 =2/3
Andrew game = couple
Max game = 3

Conclusion having a bloodwiser babe on a stunty team has allowed me to affect nine out of 14 or so games. The idea is I have more players on the pitch with different vets of skills and I would roughly say that it brings a tier 3 team up to 2.8 maybe 2.6 as you get an extra 30k at the least for every game affected.

Halfling logo
no custom team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


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HVBBL Season 14
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